Fix “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger” Error

Troubleshoot This Person is Unavailable on Messenger: Facebook is all over the place whether we like it or not. It’s how we welcome our friends to parties, how we converse with family members, and what we do on our smartphones while we’re waiting for the microwave to finish. 

But, even though we use it constantly, it’s somewhat horrendous. And you feel awful. Furthermore, you feel even worse when you understand how much data you’re radiating for targeted ads and political campaigns. But Probably One of the best features is Messenger.

Messenger is not challenging to utilize and has many updated components, serving reports that they get an error message when they are attempting to send messages on the Messenger application on iPhone or Android. 

In this article, I will examine a Facebook Messenger issue. In some cases, while informing anybody, Messenger shows the “This person is unavailable on Messenger” error message. Therefore, you can not send messages to the person. What’s the reason? There are a few explanations behind solving this issue. I have determined a couple of them underneath.

Why does it say this person is unavailable on Messenger?

There might be a different cause why this person is unavailable on Messenger error message appears. The issue may have nothing to do with a specific block. It could be because of a technical problem at Facebook’s end. 

Some cases I have experienced:

Case 1,

  • This error message means that the person has turned off your chat or blocked you. It’s a Facebook issue, and no one can bypass it. ..as per Facebook’s developer guide, the error message means Not Sent: this person isn’t available right now.
  • The friend to whom I was sending a message to his deactivated account. Yet, at that point, because of some application conduct, his messenger profile still appears.
  • Facebook is an exceptionally complex and odd piece of tech, with nobody having complete answers to anything. Not even the support people. As it ended up, the support team said they might have blocked my messages.
  • A few days later, the friend informed me that they deactivated their account. So unmistakably, has deactivated their account, which is the reason I got the ‘This person is unavailable on Messenger’ error.

Case 2,

  • We contend a bit. Not that forcefully. At that point, I got this error message. However, I didn’t know whether they blocked me. I saw from my friend’s profile that their account was still active.
  • Fine… in this case, Facebook didn’t expressly say; however, they had blocked me, which was shocking, yet yes… who cares. If you don’t have the guts to contend and protect yourself for something terrible you did and prefer to block friends — it’s good not to utilize social media. However, such individuals exist. Sorry if you experienced this case 🙂

Case 3,

  • Disable Account — It was a FB Messenger bug, perhaps yet erased profiles ordinarily don’t appear. For my situation, I pinged the friend. I have the same issue.
  • I was sure they didn’t block me. The profile appeared to be active. So it turned out their account got deactivated/restricted by Facebook control, as the support team said.

Case 4,

  • Deletion Account — People deleted their profiles. So when I pinged them, then I saw this message, and their profile avatar turned grey out.
  • I concluded. They removed their profile. Consequently, I got that error message. Odd, correct? Yet, that is Facebook by plan — complex and strange.

The last case is pretty much complex—

  • I could see the action in the Messenger, yet I got the issue while attempting to send a message. Once more, why?
  • Try with the Support Team — The same reaction.
  • Alright — I called them, and they got my call.
  • So I expect they blocked my messages however, not the calls, so if you don’t block everything, the profile may, in any case, appear as active, yet messages will not go through. There’s a messenger feature to block messages/calls specifically. For this situation, they just blocked messages — why? I don’t actually have a clue. Never asked. However, perhaps a mistake.

How to fix the “This Person is Unavailable On Messenger” Error

There are a couple of different things you can try if Facebook Messenger isn’t working well. And I’ll walk you through them.

Fix #1 – Ask a Friend to Check the User’s Account

If any person blocked you, you can view the account utilizing your friend’s profile. You might be the only one who can’t view the account being referred to if you have been blocked. But your friends are able to view their profile. That way, you can check if, in reality, the user has blocked you. 

What are your purposes behind blocking somebody on Facebook? We couldn’t want anything more than to know your story, so advise us in the comments below.

Fix #2 Make  a Group From a New Account

You need Three Things to solve the “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger” error.

  • A New Account
  • You Blocked Account(Which one is blocked by someone).

1st, Go to the Play Store and download the FB LITE app. And install it.

2nd, Open the app and log in with your New Account.

3rd, After opening it, Go to the search bar and search for the person who blocked you.

4th, Open the Person’s profile (Who Blocked the Old Profile). Tap on the Message option. And send him/her a message(For example: Say Hi).

5th, Next, Open the Message screen. Tap on the three-dot icon at the top-right side of the screen.

6th,  A pop-up window will open. Here, You need to Create a Group. Just Tap on the “Add Friends” option. Now Add your Old Account(Which one is blocked) and Who blocked you.

The Group Members Overview:


7th, Send a new message to the group from the new account. And You need to leave the group.

Tap on the three dots at the top-right of the group name. It will open a pop-up, and Tap on the Leave Conversation option. Next, click on OK to proceed. 

8th, Now go to your old account. You can see the group and message that was created through your new account.

Finally, You can send a message to the person who blocked you. This is the most well-known method to fix the “This person is unavailable on Messenger” error on Messenger.

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Fix #3 – Check If You Have Blocked The User

To See the block list or the people you have blocked on your Facebook application.

1st, Just go ahead and open up your Facebook app. Go to the menu. Scroll down a little bit and tap on Settings and Privacy options.

2nd, Go to Settings. And there are two ways to find your blog people list.

  1. Tap the Search option. Type the word block. Here you can see the option called “Blocking,.” so once you tap on it. You can see all the blocked people’s lists.
  2. Now, the second way is just to scroll down a little bit, and you will see this option under your Privacy option. The option is called “Blocking”.

Once you block someone, that person can no longer see things you post on your timeline, take you to events or groups, start a conversation with you, or add you as a friend. This doesn’t include apps, games, or groups you both participate in. so you can simply hit that unblock option to unblock a person from here. 

Now, you can also check on your messenger application if you have blocked someone on your messenger app only. 

1st, just go ahead and open up your Messenger application. Tap your Profile picture at the top-left and now tap the Privacy option under the preferences section.

Here, you can see there is our second option: Blocked people. Tap on it. 

Here is the same list we have just checked in our Facebook application. So you can simply hit that unblock option next to any friend to unblock this person on your messenger application as well. It will help to fix the “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger” error.

Fix #4Update Your Facebook Messengers

The next thing you want to try is to make sure that your Facebook Messenger is up to date. This step can fix the “This Person is Unavailable on Messenger” error on Messenger. So to do that, we’re going to go out of messenger. We’re going to go to our app store. Type in Messenger and the first one on there if it says.

You see, Open means that you’re up to date, and your messenger is good to go. If it says Update. You need to update it. That Facebook Messenger really needs any of your apps really need to be fully updated. If not, then there can be some glitches in the system, and things like they just start not to work. So, you need to make sure that it’s completely updated.

People Also Ask (This Person is Unavailable on Messenger)

When you block someone on Messenger, what do they see?

Whenever you block somebody on Messenger, the blocked people won’t see your Messenger and Facebook stories. So if you post something on the Facebook feed — where you haven’t blocked the individual, they can’t see that also. The Messenger story? Forget about it, too.

What does it mean when a profile is unavailable on Facebook?

When someone’s profile is unavailable on Facebook, this can mean one of a few different things. It could be that Facebook is experiencing an error, that their profile is in the process of being upgraded, or that they have opted to disable their profile or block you. 

Did he block me on Messenger?

The most straightforward method to check whether you have been blocked on Messenger but not on Facebook is to utilize the phone application and check whether a message gets through…if they are, they’ve blocked you on Messenger, as it were. While in the Messenger application, Tap the Search bar and enter your Friend’s name.

How do you know if someone blocked you on Messenger without messaging them?

Actually, You can’t send any messages to the individual who has blocked you on FB Messenger, so you can know without sending them a message. If you’re just blocked on Messenger [not on Facebook], you will see, You can’t reply to this discussion.” when you Tap on their Messenger Profile.

What does it look like when someone blocks you on Facebook Messenger?

It’s at the lower part of the screen. Press Enter or Return. If you are blocked, you can see an error message in the chat box (where you recently typed) that says, “This person isn’t available right now,” they have either blocked you from sending messages, deactivated their Facebook account, or you have been totally blocked on Facebook by him/her.

Can you still message someone who blocked you on Facebook?

If you type his name in the search box, he will no longer appear. However, that is a sign that the person is blocking you. You can send the user messages on Facebook Messenger. If you are already connected as a friend and attempt to send a message, you can see an error message that says the person is unavailable on Messenger.

Can I ignore friends who see me online?

If you click the “Ignore message” option, the message will send message requests, and they won’t see your active status. If you essentially ignore them, they will actually want to see your active status, except if you hide.

Can you call someone who ignored you on Messenger?

They can call you in any case on Messenger, given they are still your friends. You didn’t get notified because you decided to ignore or mute every one of their messages. If you don’t need any type of contact with them through Facebook or Messenger, you need to unfriend them.

Why does it say messenger instead of last active?

Coincidentally, What does it mean when the Messenger status shows “messenger” instead of “active x min ago”? That implies you didn’t get any update from that friend who uploaded the Status. That thing is one of the WhatsApp, and you can not be changed by yourself.

How do you know if someone muted you on Messenger?

Once you notice you have been muted on Facebook by a friend, send a message to this friend. If the message is read as ‘seen’ at the same time you sent it, it implies you have been muted. Check Facebook on another gadget, for example, a phone. If the messages have been ‘seen’ on different occasions, you have been muted.

When you ignore someone on Messenger, can they see if you’re active?

If you need to hide the last seen to one friend, in particular, you need to utilize the Ignore option. By doing that, neither the other friend will be able to see your last seen nor can you see it. But you can still check every other person’s last active status, and they can check yours.

Sahin: Sahin, a passionate Software Engineer, thrives on unraveling the intricacies of technology. With a penchant for Tech, Gaming, and IT Support, I dives into the digital realm, seeking answers to complex puzzles. My days are filled with error code, debugging, and the thrill of discovery. When things go wrong, I dive right in, figuring out what’s broken on my computer and finding clever solutions. Whether fixing code or untangling server problems, Sahin’s analytical brain thrives on challenges.
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