How to Beat the Lunar New Year Challenge [COC]?

Beat the Lunar New Year Challenge in Clash of Clan: The Lunar New Year Challenge is a special event in Clash of Clans that rewards you with a research potion and 25 gems if you can 3-star the base in a single-player mode. 

The base is designed to look like a dragon and has various traps and defences to stop you. In this article, I will show you a simple and effective strategy to beat the challenge using a combination of balloons, dragons, and spells.

How to Beat the Lunar New Year Challenge?

In Clash of Clans, conquering the Lunar New Year Challenge and securing a three-star victory is within your grasp. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you dominate this event:

How to Beat the Lunar New Year Challenge [COC]?

Step 1: Deploy your balloons

The first step is to deploy your balloons in a line along the bottom-left corner of the base. This will allow them to target the air defences and the inferno towers, the main threats to your dragons. 

You can use a rage spell to boost their speed and damage, and a freeze spell to disable the inferno towers. 

You should aim to destroy at least two air defenses and one inferno tower with your balloons.

Step 2: Deploy your dragons

The next step is to deploy your dragons behind your balloons in a spread formation. This will allow them to cover more areas and avoid clustering together. 

You can use another rage spell to help them clear the buildings and the remaining defences. It would help if you also used your grand warden’s ability to protect your dragons from the eagle artillery and the scatter shots. 

It would help if you aimed to destroy at least 50% of the base with your dragons.

Step 3: Deploy your heroes and remaining troops

The final step is to deploy your heroes and any remaining troops along the top-right corner of the base. This will allow them to target the town hall and the clan castle, which are the main objectives of the challenge. 

You can use a heal spell to keep them alive and a poison spell to deal with the enemy clan castle troops. You should also use your heroes’ abilities to help them break through the walls and the defences. 

It would help if you aimed to destroy the town hall and the clan castle with your heroes and troops.

Strategy and Tips to Beat the Lunar New Year Challenge In COC

Setting the Stage:

  • Ensure your Grand Warden is in air mode to support your dragons.

Launching the Assault:

  • Deploy all seven bat spells near the Grand Warden statue to clear the Northern Area and monoliths.
  • Send three balloons towards the Western mortar, followed by the flame flinger to eliminate it.

Strategic Moves:

  • Use minions to target the army camp and air defence if necessary.
  • Deploy a dragon on the Spell Factory and a barbarian near the dark elixir storage.
  • Utilize a rage spell and an electro dragon to chain both air defences.

Southern Front:

  • Start with the Ice Golem, then deploy heroes and troops strategically to lure out the Golden Dragon and skeletons.
  • Employ freeze spells to neutralize multi-Archer Towers.

Supporting Heroes:

  • Distribute invisibility spells to reinforce heroes as needed.

Finishing Strong:

  • Unleash all eight dragons along the right side, accompanied by the Grand Warden.
  • Utilize the warden’s ability strategically to navigate past Seeking Air mines near the town hall.

Remember Notes:

  • Support creators by entering their code before purchasing the gold pass.
  • Enjoy the new scenery and hero skins featured in this event.
  • Best of luck in securing those three stars and dominating the Lunar New Year Challenge!


Following these steps, you can 3-star the Lunar New Year Challenge and claim rewards. 

The key is to use your balloons to take out the air defences and the inferno towers, your dragons to clear the rest of the base, and your heroes and troops to finish the town hall and the clan castle.

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