Conan Exiles Single Player Server Settings

Playing solo in Conan Exiles can be a lot of fun, but it can also be frustrating or boring if you don’t tweak the Conan Exiles single-player server settings to your liking. The server settings can change how hard or easy the game is, how fast or slow you can progress, and how realistic or fantasy-like the world is.

This article will show you some of the best Conan Exiles single-player server settings mode, depending on your play style and goals. Whether you want to relax, explore, challenge yourself, survive, or role-play and create, we have some suggestions.

How to Change Server Settings and Become Admin?

Before you start playing single player mode, you need to know how to change the server settings and make yourself admin. This will allow you to customize the game to your liking and use some cheats if you want.

To access the server settings menu, you need to press ESC on your keyboard and select Settings. Then, you will see a tab called Server Settings. Click on it, and you will see a lot of options to tweak.

To make yourself admin, you need to go to the General tab and enter the admin password. The default password is 1234567890, but you can change it if you want. After you enter the password, click on Make Me Admin and you will see a message saying You are now an admin.

Now that you are an admin, you can change any of the server settings and apply them instantly. You can also use some admin commands by pressing ~ on your keyboard and typing them in the console.

Conan Exiles Single Player Server Settings

Conan Exiles offers a robust server settings menu that allows you to customize your single-player experience to your liking. Whether you want to tweak the difficulty, adjust crafting times, or configure the world’s behaviour, there’s a setting.

Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the key server settings you can adjust in Conan Exiles single-player:

General SettingsDescription
Day/Night/Dawn/Dusk Time SpeedAdjust the in-game time flow. Lower values for slower days, higher values for faster ones.
Pause When Focus LostPauses the game when you alt-tab or minimize the window.
Auto Save IntervalSet how often the game automatically saves your progress.
Server NameSet a custom name for your single-player server.

Gameplay SettingsDescription
DifficultyChoose from various difficulty levels ranging from “Peaceful” to “Brutal.”
Experience GainModify the rate at which you gain experience points for various actions.
Harvest RatesIncrease or decrease the amount of resources you gather from harvesting nodes.
Crafting TimesAdjust the time it takes to craft different items.
Drop Equipment on DeathChoose whether you lose your equipped gear upon dying.
Food/Water Drain RateControl how quickly your character’s hunger and thirst deplete.
Thrall Crafting TimeModify the time it takes to craft items using thralls.
Purge SettingsConfigure the frequency and intensity of purges, enemy invasions that attack your base.

Advanced SettingsDescription
Server PasswordSet a password to protect your server from unauthorized access (not applicable in single-player).
Admin PanelEnable or disable the admin panel for accessing advanced server controls.
Building/Decay SettingsAdjust the decay rate of placed structures and thralls when you’re offline.
NPC PopulationControl the number and variety of NPCs that spawn in the world.
Pet/Thrall SettingsModify the maximum number of pets and thralls you can own, their hunger range, and other behaviors.

Recommended Tweaks for Single Player:

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to adjust your server settings. It all depends on your preferred gameplay style. Here are some common tweaks recommended for single-player experiences:

  • Increase experience gain: Makes progression feel faster and less grindy.
  • Boost harvest rates and crafting times: Saves you time spent gathering and crafting, letting you focus on building and exploration.
  • Disable equipment drop on death: Prevents losing valuable gear due to accidental deaths.
  • Adjust purge settings: Make purges more frequent or challenging for an extra dose of combat.
  • Increase thrall crafting time: Speeds up thrall crafting, making them more useful companions.

Conan Exiles server settings Explanation

There are different categories of server settings that you can change, such as:

  • Difficulty: This affects how hard the game is, such as the damage you deal and take, the health and respawn rate of enemies, the purge frequency and intensity, etc.
  • Gameplay: This affects how the game works, such as the day and night cycle, the hunger and thirst rate, the item durability and decay, the building damage and abandonment, etc.
  • Combat: This affects how the combat system works, such as the stamina cost and regeneration, the dodge roll distance and speed, the friendly fire damage, the knockback and stagger, etc.
  • Crafting: This affects how the crafting system works, such as the crafting speed and cost, the thrall conversion and crafting time, the fuel burn time and consumption, etc.
  • Survival: This affects how the survival aspects work, such as the temperature and weather effects, the corruption and healing rate, the food and water spoilage and consumption, etc.

The most important settings that affect the single player experience are:

  • Player Damage Taken Multiplier: This determines how much damage you take from enemies and environmental hazards. You can lower it if you find the game too hard or raise it if you want more challenge.
  • Player Damage Dealt Multiplier: This determines how much damage you deal to enemies and objects. You can raise it if you want to kill things faster or lower it if you want more realistic combat.
  • Player XP Rate Multiplier: This determines how fast you gain experience and level up. You can raise it if you want to progress faster or lower it if you want to enjoy the game longer.
  • NPC Respawn Multiplier: This determines how fast the enemies and animals respawn after you kill them. You can lower it to clear an area and have some peace or raise it if you want more action and loot.
  • Purge Level: This determines how hard the purge events are, where waves of enemies attack your base. You can lower it to defend your base more easily or raise it if you want more challenges and rewards.
  • Building Damage Enabled: This determines whether enemies and the purge can damage your buildings. You can turn it off to protect your base from destruction or enable it if you want more realism and risk.

Conan Exiles Graphic Settings

Conan Exiles boasts stunning visuals across its diverse landscapes, from the scorching deserts to the snow-capped mountains. Tweaking the game’s graphics settings allows you to balance visual fidelity and performance, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. Here’s a breakdown of the key settings you can adjust:

General Settings:

  • Preset: Choose from Low, Medium, High, Ultra, and Cinematic presets, offering a range of visual quality and performance.
  • Resolution: Select your preferred display resolution. Higher resolutions offer sharper visuals but demand more processing power.


  • Anti-Aliasing (AA): Smooths out jagged edges on objects. Options include FXAA, TAA, and SMAA. Higher levels offer better quality but impact performance.
  • Volumetric Fog: Adds atmospheric haze and fog effects, enhancing immersion.
  • Motion Blur: Creates a blur effect during movement, simulating real-world camera movement.
  • Depth of Field: Blurs the background to emphasize the foreground, like a cinematic effect.


  • Shadow Quality: Determines the detail and resolution of shadows. Higher settings create more realistic shadows but are more demanding.
  • Shadow Distance: Controls how far away shadows are rendered. Increasing it improves immersion but impacts performance.


  • Texture Quality: Adjusts the resolution and detail of textures on objects and environments. Higher settings look sharper but require more memory.
  • Streaming Pool Size: Determines how much texture data is loaded into memory at once. Lowering it helps on systems with limited RAM.


  • Particle Effects: Controls the intensity and detail of particle effects like smoke, fire, and explosions. Higher settings look more impressive but can impact performance.
  • Water Quality: Adjusts the realism and detail of water surfaces. Higher settings offer reflections and refractions but are more demanding.

Advanced Settings:

  • Anisotropic Filtering (AF): Improves the quality of textures seen at angles. 8x or 16x AF is recommended for a good balance.
  • Level of Detail (LOD): Determines the detail of objects in the distance. Higher settings offer more detail but impact performance.

Recommended Tweaks:

  • Start with the high preset: Most systems have a good balance between visual quality and performance.
  • Adjust AA and Shadow Quality: These settings offer a significant visual impact without a major performance hit.
  • Optimize Textures and Effects: Lowering these slightly can improve performance without sacrificing too much visual quality.
  • Consider your hardware: More powerful systems can handle higher settings for a smoother experience.

Additional Tips:

  • Enable Nvidia/AMD-specific features: Nvidia DLSS and AMD FSR can enhance image quality while boosting performance.
  • Monitor your frame rate: Aim for a consistent 60 FPS for smooth gameplay. Lower settings if needed.
  • Experiment and find the sweet spot: Adjust settings to find the balance between visuals and performance that works best for you.

Remember, Conan Exiles offers various graphical options to cater to diverse preferences and hardware capabilities. Don’t hesitate to experiment and find the settings that create the perfect visual experience for your Exiled Lands adventure!


Conan Exiles Difficulty settings

Conan Exiles offers a robust difficulty system, allowing you to tailor the challenge to your liking. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior seeking a brutal test or a newcomer craving a more relaxed exploration, there’s a setting for you. Here’s a breakdown of the key difficulty options:


  • Peaceful: Enemies won’t attack you unless provoked, ideal for peaceful exploration and building.
  • Easy: Enemies pose a moderate threat, good for learning the ropes without too much pressure.
  • Normal: The standard experience, offering a balanced challenge for most players.
  • Hard: Enemies are tougher, resources scarcer, and death more punishing.
  • Brutal: The ultimate test of skill and survival, with unforgiving enemy encounters and harsh environmental conditions.
  • Custom: Allows you to fine-tune individual settings like enemy damage, resource rates, and purge frequency.

Key Settings:

  • Enemy Damage: Determines how much damage enemies inflict on you.
  • Enemy Health: Adjusts the health pool of enemies, making them tougher or easier to kill.
  • Experience Gain: Modify the rate at which you gain experience points (XP) for various actions.
  • Harvest Rates: Increase or decrease the amount of resources you gather from harvesting nodes.
  • Crafting Times: Adjust the time it takes to craft different items.
  • Food/Water Drain Rate: Control how quickly your character’s hunger and thirst deplete.
  • Thrall Crafting Time: Modify the time it takes to craft items using thralls.
  • Purge Settings: Configure the frequency and intensity of purges, enemy invasions that attack your base.

Tips for Choosing Difficulty:

  • Consider your experience: If you’re new to Conan Exiles, start with Easy or Normal to learn the mechanics and combat system.
  • Match your gameplay style: Prefer action and challenge? Go for Hard or Brutal. Enjoy exploring and building? Peaceful or Easy might be ideal.
  • Experiment and adjust: Don’t be afraid to change the difficulty as you progress. Depending on your mood and progress, you can always make it tougher or easier.
  • Think about mods: Some mods might affect difficulty by adding new enemies, challenges, or changing settings. Adjust the base difficulty accordingly.


  • Preset: Choose from Peaceful, Easy, Normal, Hard, Brutal, or Custom.
  • Key Settings: Fine-tune enemy damage, health, experience gain, resource rates, crafting times, food/water depletion, thrall crafting time, and purge settings to your desired challenge level.


  • Combat System: Select from Light, Medium, or Heavy attack styles.
  • Damage Numbers: Enable or disable damage number visibility.
  • Crosshair: Choose between various crosshair styles or disable it.
  • Reticle Size: Adjust the size of the aiming reticle.
  • Block Direction Indicator: Enable or disable on-screen block direction indicators.


  • Crafting Interface: Toggle between recipe and item list views.
  • Ingredients Highlighting: Enable or disable highlighting of required crafting ingredients.
  • Auto Learn Recipes: Choose to automatically learn recipes upon finding them.
  • Show Damage/Armor Values: Display damage and armor values on crafted items.
  • Durability Damage Multiplier: Adjust the rate at which crafted items lose durability.


  • Food/Water Drain Rate: Modify hunger and thirst depletion speed.
  • Temperature System: Enable or disable the environmental temperature system.
  • Fall Damage: Choose between normal and reduced fall damage.
  • Drowning Damage: Adjust the rate at which drowning inflicts damage.
  • Bleeding Rate: Modify the rate of health loss from bleeding.

Last Words

Conan Exiles is a great game to play solo, but changing the server settings to suit your preferences can make it even better.

Whether you want to play casually, hardcore, or role-playing, you can adjust the settings to control the game’s difficulty, gameplay, combat, crafting, survival, and more aspects.

By doing so, you can have more fun and enjoyment in the game world, as you can create your challenges, stories, and adventures.

This article helped you learn how to customize your server settings for single-player mode in Conan Exiles. Please let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or feedback.

Sahin: Sahin, a passionate Software Engineer, thrives on unraveling the intricacies of technology. With a penchant for Tech, Gaming, and IT Support, I dives into the digital realm, seeking answers to complex puzzles. My days are filled with error code, debugging, and the thrill of discovery. When things go wrong, I dive right in, figuring out what’s broken on my computer and finding clever solutions. Whether fixing code or untangling server problems, Sahin’s analytical brain thrives on challenges.
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