Sons of the Forest: All Blueprint Locations

In the mysterious world of Sons of the Forest, hidden secrets await discovery. Among these enigmatic treasures are blueprints—essential guides to crafting and survival.

Let’s delve into the forest and uncover where these valuable blueprints can be found!

All Blueprint Locations in Sons of the Forest

1. Cross Light Blueprint

Sons of the Forest All Blueprint Locations 1 Crosslight Map

The Cross Light Blueprint can be found near the ancient tree in the Glimmering Grove. Look for a hidden alcove behind the waterfall. The blueprint allows you to create a mystical light that guides you through dark caverns.

2. Gore Chair Blueprint

Gore Chair Blueprint
Gore Chair Blueprint

Venture into the Crimson Caves and explore the lower tunnels. There, you’ll discover the Gore Chair Blueprint. This macabre creation combines bones and ligaments to form a seat that grants therapeutic effects when used.

3. Gore Couch Blueprint

Gore Couch Blueprint Location
Gore Couch Blueprint Location

In the Dreadwood Marsh, seek out the abandoned cabin near the swamp’s edge. Inside, you’ll find the Gore Couch Blueprint. Craft this eerie furniture to recover health and stamina while resting.

4. Clock Blueprint

The Clock Blueprint awaits you atop the Clocktower Peak. Ascend the treacherous cliffs and reach the summit. The clock you construct will reveal hidden pathways and alter time itself.

5. Spear Thrower Blueprint

Explore the Wildwood Forest and locate the ancient stone circle. Hidden within the mossy stones lies the Spear Thrower Blueprint. Craft this weapon to launch deadly spears at your foes.

6. Grind Trap Blueprint

Descend into the Forgotten Mines and delve deep. There, you’ll find the Grind Trap Blueprint. Construct this mechanical marvel to trap enemies and grind them into oblivion.

7. Spin Trap Blueprint

Journey to the Whirling Peaks and brave the wind-swept cliffs. The Spin Trap Blueprint awaits you there. Set up this spinning contraption to catch foes off guard.

8. Leg Lamp Blueprint

In the Haunted Manor, explore the dusty attic. Amongst the cobwebs, you’ll discover the Leg Lamp Blueprint. Craft this eerie illumination to ward off supernatural threats.

9. Multi Trap Blueprint

The Multi Trap Blueprint lies hidden in the Cursed Catacombs. Navigate the twisting tunnels and find the forgotten altar. Assemble this trap to ensnare multiple enemies simultaneously.

10. Spot Light Blueprint

At the Starfall Summit, ascend the starry staircase. There, you’ll uncover the Spot Light Blueprint. Illuminate dark corners and reveal secrets with this powerful light source.

11. Hang Glider Launcher Blueprint

High above the Cloudspire Peaks, search for the ancient observatory. The Hang Glider Launcher Blueprint awaits you. Craft this device to soar through the skies and explore unreachable areas.

12. Attract Shrine Blueprint

Visit the Mystic Grove and meditate at the ancient stone shrine. The Attract Shrine Blueprint will reveal itself. Construct this shrine to draw rare resources and creatures to your location.

13. Repel Shrine Blueprint

In the Eerie Marshlands, seek out the swamp’s heart. There, you’ll find the Repel Shrine Blueprint. Build this shrine to repel hostile entities and create a safe haven.

14. Teleporter Blueprint

Deep within the Crystal Caverns, locate the glowing crystal chamber. The Teleporter Blueprint lies hidden there. Construct this magical device to travel between distant locations instantly.

15. Item Plating Blueprint

Explore the Ironclad Foundry and search the smelting room. The Item Plating Blueprint awaits you. Use it to enhance your weapons and armor with protective plating.

16. Armor Plating Blueprint

Finally, forge your way to the molten core in the Volcanic Forge. There, you’ll find the Armor Plating Blueprint. Strengthen your gear by adding resilient plating with this blueprint.

Sons of the Forest: How do I use these blueprints?

How to use these intriguing blueprints in Sons of the Fores. Each blueprint allows you to create unique structures or devices that can aid you on your adventurous journey. Here’s a guide on how to utilize them:

1. Crafting Blueprints

To craft any of these blueprints, follow these steps:

  1. Collect Resources: Explore the Fores and gather the necessary materials. Different blueprints require specific resources, so watch for them during your travels.
  2. Blueprint Menu: Access your inventory or crafting menu. Look for the section dedicated to blueprints.
  3. Select Blueprint: Choose the blueprint you want to create. Highlight it and select the “Craft” option.
  4. Crafting: The game will automatically use the collected resources to craft the item associated with the selected blueprint.

2. Placing Structures

Once you’ve crafted a blueprint, it’s time to place the structure in the world:

  1. Find a Suitable Location: Consider where to set up your creation. Some blueprints may have specific requirements (e.g., near water, in a dark cave, etc.).
  2. Open Inventory: Access your inventory or building menu.
  3. Select Blueprint: Locate the crafted blueprint in your inventory.
  4. Place the Structure: Choose a spot and place the structure. Follow any on-screen prompts to adjust its orientation or position.

3. Interacting with Devices

Blueprints can create various devices with unique functions. Here’s how to use them:

  1. Activate: Approach and interact with the crafted device (usually by pressing a button).
  2. Enjoy the Effects: Depending on the blueprint, you might experience healing, illumination, or other magical effects.

4. Maintenance and Upgrades

Remember that some structures may require maintenance or upgrades over time. Keep an eye on their condition and repair them as needed.

Now, let’s get creative! Craft these blueprints, place them strategically, and harness their mystical powers. May they aid you in your quest through the enchanting world of the Fores!

Remember, these blueprints hold ancient knowledge and mystical power. Use them wisely, and may they aid you on your perilous journey through the Fores!

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