How to Feed Pet Wow Classic?

How to Feed Pet Wow Classic?

How to Feed Pet Wow Classic? To feed your pet in WoW Classic, you need to open up your Character window and click on the new Pet tab at the bottom. You will see a little happiness level icon at the top left of the window, which shows you what your pet will eat. Get some food that it will eat, and either drag and drop the food onto your pet or click the Feed Pet ability and then click on the food.

How to Feed Pet Wow Classic?

In World of Warcraft Classic, feeding your pet is crucial to maintaining its health and combat effectiveness. Here’s a comprehensive guide to feeding your pet:

What Pets Can Be Fed Wow Classic:

  • Hunters: All hunter pets, including wolves, bears, cats, and serpents, require feeding.
  • Warlocks: Warlocks’ imp and felhunter can be fed, but not their void walker and succubus.

Types of Pet Food Wow Classic:

  • Meat: Wolves, bears, and felhunters prefer meat like Raw Beast Meat, Raw Gizzard, or Cooked Clefthoof Meat.
  • Fish: Cats and serpents enjoy fish like Raw Fish, Smoked Salmon, or Mystical Fish Stew.
  • Bread: Imps can be fed bread like Simple Bread or Spiced Bread.

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How to Feed Pet Wow ClassicFeeding Methods:

  1. Direct Feeding: This is the most straightforward method. Open your pet’s spellbook, which can be accessed through your pet’s portrait or the “Pet” tab in your character sheet. Find the “Feed Pet” spell and right-click on it. Then, right-click on the food item in your inventory to feed your pet.
  2. Drag and Drop: This is a faster and more convenient method. Simply drag the food item from your inventory and drop it onto your pet’s portrait or directly on your pet.

How Often to Feed:

  • Hungry: When your pet’s hunger icon turns yellow, it’s considered hungry and requires feeding.
  • Starving: If ignored, your pet will eventually become starving, as indicated by a red hunger icon. This negatively affects its damage output and health regeneration.
  • Feeding Frequency: Ideally, feed your pet whenever its hunger icon turns yellow to ensure optimal performance.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Bulk Purchase Food: Purchase food in bulk to avoid constantly restocking.
  • Keep Food Stacked: Stack food items in your inventory to avoid clutter.
  • Utilize Macros: Create macros to quickly cast the “Feed Pet” spell and use food items.
  • Pet Happiness: While not directly related to feeding, keep your pet happy by petting it regularly. This increases its loyalty and damage output.

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What are Some Good Pets for a Hunter in WoW Classic?

There are many pets to choose from in WoW Classic, and the best pet for you depends on your playstyle and preferences. Here are some popular pet choices for Hunters in WoW Classic:

Broken Tooth: This cat has the highest attack speed of any pet in the game, making it a great choice for PvP combat.

Son of Hakkar: This bat has a unique ability called Sonic Blast, which can stun enemies for a short period of time.

Wolf: Wolves are great for leveling because they have a howl that increases the damage of all nearby party members.

How do I get a Pet in WoW Classic?

To get a pet in WoW Classic, you need to reach level 10 first. Once you do that, you can go to a Hunter Trainer and pick up a quest from them that requires you to learn how to tame a Pet. After completing the quest, you will learn the Tame Beast spell and can tame your first pet.

How to Feed Pet WOW Wotlk?

To feed your pet in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, you can use the “Feed Pet” ability. You can access this ability by clicking on the “Feed Pet” icon in your spellbook or action bar and then left-clicking on a food item in your backpack. Alternatively, you can drag a food item from your backpack and drop it onto either your pet’s portrait or the pet itself in the game world.

What are some good pet foods for my Hunter’s pet in WoW Classic?

To keep your pet healthy and happy in WoW Classic, you need to feed it regularly. After you know “How to Feed Pet Wow Classic?”, you should know The type of food your pet will eat depends on its family type. You can use the Beast Lore ability on a creature to find out what foods it likes. Here are some popular pet food choices for Hunters in WoW Classic:

  1. Meat: This is the most common type of pet food and can be purchased from vendors or obtained by killing beasts.
  2. Fish: Some pets prefer fish over meat, and you can purchase fish from vendors or catch them yourself.
  3. Bread: Some pets prefer bread over meat or fish, and you can purchase bread from vendors or make it yourself.

It’s important to note that the quality of the food doesn’t matter, so we recommend going for the cheapest options 

Additional Resources:

By following these guidelines and tips (How to Feed Pet Wow Classic?), you can effectively feed your pet in WoW Classic, ensuring its health, happiness, and effectiveness in combat. Remember, a well-fed pet is a powerful ally!

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