How to Enter the Red Mist in Enshrouded?

The Red Mist is a deadly shroud that covers some areas of the Sprawl, a huge city full of people and secrets. The Red Mist is dangerous and mysterious. It can hurt you, kill you, or corrupt you. It can also hide some secrets, treasures, or enemies. 

The Red Mist is one of the main challenges and features of the game Enshrouded, a point-and-click interrogation game made by Hilltop Studios and published by Versus Evil and Tiny Build.

Why do you need to enter the Red Mist?

You need to enter the Red Mist for two reasons. One reason is to complete some quests that ask you to enter the Red Mist and find something or someone. For example, you might need to enter the Red Mist to find a missing person, a stolen item, or a hidden clue

Another reason is to explore the Sprawl and discover more secrets and mysteries. For example, you might want to enter the Red Mist to find a new area, a rare resource, or a powerful enemy.

How to Enter the Red Mist in Enshrouded?

Some areas are covered by a deadly red mist that will kill players instantly if they try to enter it. 

These areas, called the Deadly Shroud, contain valuable resources, secrets, and challenges for the brave and curious players. But how can you enter the Deadly Shroud without dying? 

This article will explain how to do that in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Upgrade your Flame Level

The first thing you need to do is to upgrade your Flame Level. The Flame Level is a measure of how much you have mastered the power of the Shroud, and it determines how long you can stay in the mist and what areas you can access. 

You can upgrade your Flame Level by collecting Flame Fragments, which are scattered throughout the world and can be obtained by completing quests, defeating enemies, or exploring hidden locations. 

You can check your Flame Level and the number of Flame Fragments you have by opening the menu and selecting the Flame tab.

To enter the Deadly Shroud, you need to have at least Flame Level 2. This means you need to collect 10 Flame Fragments and use them to strengthen your Flame at the Flame Altar, which is located at your base. 

Once you do that, you will notice that the Deadly Shroud will change its color from red to green, indicating that you can now enter it safely. However, this does not mean you can stay there forever. 

You still have a limited time to explore the Deadly Shroud before it becomes red again and kills you. Therefore, you need to be careful and plan your actions accordingly.

Step 2: Find a Fast Travel Point

The next thing you need to do is to find a Fast Travel Point near the Deadly Shroud you want to enter. Fast Travel Points are special locations that allow you to teleport to different areas of the world instantly. 

They are marked by blue pillars of light on the map, and you can activate them by interacting with them. Fast Travel Points are very useful for exploring the Deadly Shroud, as they allow you to quickly reach your destination and escape if you run out of time.

To find a Fast Travel Point near the Deadly Shroud, you can use the map and look for the areas that are covered by a green mist. These are the Deadly Shroud areas that you can enter with Flame Level 2. 

You can also use the compass and follow the direction of the green arrow, which will point you to the nearest Deadly Shroud area. 

Once you find a Fast Travel Point near the Deadly Shroud, you can use it to teleport there and start your exploration.

Step 3: Enter the Deadly Shroud and Explore

The final step is to enter the Deadly Shroud and explore its secrets. To do that, you need to approach the green mist and press the interact button. 

You will then enter the Deadly Shroud and see a timer on the screen, showing you how much time you have left before the mist turns red and kills you. 

The timer will vary depending on your Flame Level and the difficulty of the area. For example, with Flame Level 2, you can stay in the Deadly Shroud for 5 minutes in the Springlands, but only for 3 minutes in the Ashlands. 

Therefore, you need to be aware of the timer and act accordingly.

Once you enter the Deadly Shroud, you will discover a whole new world of possibilities. You will find new enemies, new resources, new quests, new secrets, and new challenges. 

You will also find new Flame Fragments, which will allow you to upgrade your Flame Level further and access more Deadly Shroud areas. 

However, you will also face more dangers, as the Deadly Shroud is full of traps, puzzles, and surprises. 

You will need to use your skills, your weapons, your items, and your Shroud abilities to overcome the obstacles and survive the Deadly Shroud.

How to test the green mist In Enshrouded?

To test the green mist, you need to find a Fast Travel Point near the area you want to enter. Fast Travel Points are special locations that allow you to teleport to different areas of the world instantly. 

Blue pillars of light mark them on the map, and you can activate them by interacting with them. 

Fast Travel Points are very useful for exploring the green mist, as they allow you to quickly reach your destination and escape if you run out of time.

Once you find a Fast Travel Point near the green mist, you can use it to teleport there and start your exploration. To enter the green mist, you need to approach the green fog and press the interact button. 

You will then enter the green mist and see a timer on the screen, showing you how much time you have left before the mist turns red and kills you. The timer will vary depending on your Flame Level and the difficulty of the area. 

Different Levels of the Red Mist

The Red Mist has different levels of intensity and danger. You can see the level of the Red Mist by looking at the color and the thickness of the mist. You can also feel the level of the Red Mist by looking at your health bar and your corruption bar

Your health bar shows how much damage you take from the Red Mist. Your corruption bar shows how much corruption you get from the Red Mist. The levels of the Red Mist are:

  • Level 1: This is the lowest and safest level of the Red Mist. The mist is light pink and thin. You can enter this level with a Flame Level of 1 or higher. You take little damage and get little corruption from this level. You can find some easy secrets and enemies in this level.
  • Level 2: This is the medium and moderate level of the Red Mist. The mist is dark red and thick. You can enter this level with a Flame Level of 2 or higher. You take moderate damage and get moderate corruption from this level. You can find some medium secrets and enemies in this level.
  • Level 3: This is the highest and most dangerous level of the Red Mist. The mist is black and dense. You can enter this level with a Flame Level of 3 or higher. You take high damage and get high corruption from this level. You can find some hard secrets and enemies in this level.

How to deal with the Red Mist?

You can deal with the Red Mist by using your tools and abilities. You have three tools and three abilities in the game. They are:

  • Tools: These are things that you can use to reduce the damage or the corruption from the Red Mist. For example, you can use a mask to breathe better, a cloak to cover yourself, or a torch to light your way.
  • Abilities: These are things that you can use to resist the effects or the influence of the Red Mist. For example, you can use willpower to fight the pain, sanity to fight the madness, or faith to fight the evil.

You can use each tool or ability once per level, and you can use them in any order you want. However, some tools or abilities might work better than others depending on the level and the situation. 

You have to use your wisdom and courage to figure out the best way to deal with the Red Mist.


The Red Mist is a deadly shroud that covers some areas of the Sprawl. You need to enter the Red Mist to complete some quests and explore the Sprawl

You can enter the Red Mist by upgrading your Flame Level and using your tools and abilities. The Red Mist has different levels of intensity and danger. You have to be careful and prepared when you enter the Red Mist.

Sahin: Sahin, a passionate Software Engineer, thrives on unraveling the intricacies of technology. With a penchant for Tech, Gaming, and IT Support, I dives into the digital realm, seeking answers to complex puzzles. My days are filled with error code, debugging, and the thrill of discovery. When things go wrong, I dive right in, figuring out what’s broken on my computer and finding clever solutions. Whether fixing code or untangling server problems, Sahin’s analytical brain thrives on challenges.
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