Frame Gen on ANY GPU + Mod adds FSR 3 Complete Guide

What is Frame Generation?

Frame Generation is like adding extra frames to a video game. Imagine you’re watching a movie, and suddenly, there’s a smooth transition between two scenes. In gaming, it’s similar: we create artificial frames between existing frames to make the gameplay smoother.

For example, if you see a character running, we generate frames to show the gradual movement of their legs, making it look more realistic.

How Does It Work?

Frame Generation uses AI (artificial intelligence) to analyze two consecutive frames in a game. It calculates motion vectors for objects and elements within those frames.

These frames and motion vectors are fed into a neural network. The network generates additional frames, filling in the gaps between the original ones.

The result? Smoother gameplay and potentially higher frame rates!

Frame Generation Mod Options:

  • DLSS 3.0 (Deep Learning Super Sampling): Developed by Nvidia, DLSS uses AI to generate additional frames, enhancing performance in supported games.
  • FSR 3 (FidelityFX Super Resolution): AMD’s alternative to DLSS. It also employs AI for frame generation.

Downloading the Frame Generation Mod:

  • To get the FSR 3 Frame Generation mod, visit platforms like Nexus Mods.
  • Look for the mod specific to your game and GPU (especially the Nvidia RTX series).
  • Download the mod files and follow the installation instructions.

FPS Before Frame Gen Mod:

  • Before using the mod, check your game’s frame rate (FPS) without it.
  • Note down the FPS to compare later.

How To Install Frame Generation mod?

Download the Mod:

  • First, ensure you have an Nvidia RTX graphics card with updated drivers.
  • Visit platforms like Nexus Mods and find the FSR 3 Frame Generation mod.
  • Download the latest release specific to your game.

Extract and Place the Mod Files:

  • Extract the downloaded mod files.
  • If you’re not using any other mod managers or ASI loaders:
    • Simply extract the mod into your game directory.
  • If you’re already using an ASI loader (like SFSE ASI Loader):
    • Extract the mod files and place the FSR2Streamline.asi file in the folder where your ASI loader loads from.

Enable Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling:

  • Go to your Windows settings.
  • Ensure Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling is enabled. This feature enhances frame generation.

Disable Vertical Sync (V-Sync):

  • Open your game settings.
  • Look for the option related to vertical sync (V-Sync) and disable it. V-Sync can limit your frame rate.

Launch Your Game:

  • Start your game and check if the mod is working.
  • Look for a popup or the Frame Generation option in the game settings.

How To add Frame Generation to any game (Any GPU!)?

Install the Mod:

  1. First, ensure you have an Nvidia RTX graphics card with updated drivers.
  2. Download the FSR 3 Frame Generation mod specific to your game from platforms like Nexus Mods.
  3. Extract the mod files and place them in your game directory, where the game’s executable (usually DirectX 12) is located.

Enable Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling:

  1. Go to your Windows settings and enable Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling if it’s not already on. This feature enhances frame generation.

Disable Vertical Sync (V-Sync):

  1. Open your game settings.
  2. Look for the option related to vertical sync (V-Sync) and disable it. V-Sync can limit your frame rate.

Toggle Frame Generation:

  1. Launch your game.
  2. Check if the mod works by looking for a popup or the Frame Generation option in the game settings.
  3. Enjoy smoother gameplay with those extra frames!

How To Configure Frame Generation mod?

Install the Mod:

  • First, download the FSR 3 Frame Generation mod specific to your game and GPU (Nvidia RTX series).
  • Place the mod files in your game directory where the game’s other files are stored.

Update GPU Drivers:

  • Make sure you have the latest GPU drivers installed. These updates often improve compatibility and performance.
  1. Enable Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling:
  • In your Windows settings, enable Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling if it’s not already on. This feature can enhance frame generation.

Disable Vertical Sync (V-Sync):

  • Open your game settings.
  • Look for the option related to vertical sync (V-Sync) and disable it. V-Sync can limit your frame rate.

Find the Frame Generation Option:

  • Check your game settings for a Frame Generation option. It might be labelled as DLSS Frame Generation or something similar.
  • Toggle it ON.

Start Your Game:

  • Launch your game and observe the difference.
  • Note down the FPS (frames per second) before and after enabling the mod.

Remember, the effectiveness of the Frame Generation mod can vary based on your specific game and hardware. Enjoy smoother gameplay!

Adding Frame Generation to Games Without It

If you’re a gamer like me, you’ve probably encountered situations where a game lacks a frame generation option. 

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Here’s a simple guide to adding Frame Gen to games that don’t have it:

Steps to Follow:

  • Locate the Game Folder:
    • Open the folder where the game is installed.
  • Navigate to the Game Executable:
    • Inside the game folder, go to “binaries/win64.”
  • Copy FSR Files:
    • Head back to your FSR folder and copy the common files.
  • Get FSR 2.1:
    • Paste FSR 2.1 into the game folder.
  • Install Mods:
    • With the files in place, the mods are now installed.
  • Generate the Config File:
    • Fire up the game to generate the config file.
    • Choose DirectX 12 if prompted.
    • Following these steps, you can enhance your gaming experience by adding Frame Gen to games without the option. Enjoy smoother gameplay and better performance!

Drawbacks of Frame Generation Mods

Frame Generation Mods, such as FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution), can make games smoother but have drawbacks. Here are some reasons why:

  • While Frame Generation is impressive, it’s not without its quirks:
    • Minor Artifacts: Some games may exhibit tiny visual glitches due to the AI-generated frames.
  • Compatibility: Not all games play nicely with Frame Gen mods. Some might resist the magic.
  • UI Jitteriness: In some games, like Cyberpunk, while the overall gameplay becomes smoother, UI elements like in-game icons may still appear jittery due to how the mod works.
  • Rendering Variations: Games render differently, with the base game and UI elements often at different layers. Frame generation mods may affect these layers differently, resulting in some elements running at lower FPS while the rest of the game runs smoothly.
  • Compatibility Issues: Since frame generation mods replace existing functions rather than being built by developers, they may only integrate seamlessly with some games. Specific post-processing options, like vignetting, may create visual distortions when using these mods.
  • Inconsistent Results: The effectiveness of frame generation mods varies from game to game. While Cyberpunk may see significant improvements, other games may benefit less, and users may encounter trade-offs in performance and visual quality.
  • Trade-offs: While mods can address some issues, they may introduce new ones. For instance, turning off specific post-processing effects may require additional mods, adding complexity to the gaming experience.

Testing Performance with Ready or Not

Ready or Not performance can be affected by various settings, including upscaling and frame generation. Let’s test the game’s performance and tweaking some settings to see how it impacts FPS.

Test Setup

  • Preparation: Delete any added files to eliminate upscaling effects.
  • Adjusting Settings: Disable advanced sync, frame limit, and upscale options.
  • Quality Settings: Increase the quality settings to stress the system.

Performance Evaluation

  • Single Player Practice: Head into a practice session to gauge performance.
  • Initial FPS: Without upscaling, achieving a stable 120 FPS.
  • Further Testing: Move to a heavier location like the headquarters to stress the system.

Impact of Settings

  • DLSS and FSR: Enabling DLSS or FSR can affect FPS differently:
    • DLSS2 Quality: 123 FPS
    • Ultra Quality: 135 FPS
    • FSR 2 Quality: 119 FPS.

Ready or Not Frame Generation Mod!

If you’re looking to boost your gaming performance with frame generation, here’s a simple guide to get started:

Getting Started

  • Copy the files for FSR 2.1 and fire up your game to generate the config file. Close the game afterward.
  • Sort the files by date modified and edit the configuration file to customize your settings as needed.

Default Options

  • You can use FSR 3 upscaling with the default option to enable frame generation without making any changes.
  • There’s no need to worry about additional configurations for AMD or Intel cards.

Nvidia Graphics Cards

  • If you’re using an Nvidia graphics card, use the FSR option in-game to enable frame generation.
  • This is especially useful if the game only offers DLSS, which can be enabled to utilize FSR 2 alongside frame generation.


  • Restart the game after making any changes.
  • Head to the graphics options and enable FSR 2 or DLSS, setting them to your preferred choice.
  • For example, selecting FSR quality can significantly boost FPS.
  • Check your FPS in areas where performance was previously low to confirm that frame generation is working effectively.


  • With FSR quality enabled, you may experience a solid 180 FPS, a noticeable performance improvement.
  • Experiment with different settings to balance performance and visual quality that suit your preferences.

Following these steps, you can enhance your gaming experience with frame generation, regardless of your graphics card. Happy gaming!

Workarounds for UI Bugs

If you’ve noticed some quirky issues with your HUD or frame generation while gaming, don’t worry – there are workarounds to improve your experience. Here are some tips to navigate around UI bugs:

  • Frame Generation and FPS Boost: In many games, frame generation works smoothly, elevating FPS from 40 to 100 or 90 to nearly 200. This enhancement enhances gameplay significantly, providing a smoother and more immersive experience.
  • Consider Different Pipelines: Remember that different games may utilize other rendering pipelines. For instance, opting for AMD FSR instead of DLSS might cause some HUD artifacts or strange visuals. If you encounter oddities, consider switching back to DLSS for smoother rendering.
  • DLSS vs. FSR: When faced with a choice between DLSS and FSR, decide based on your game. For titles like “Ready or Not,” DLSS might be the better option to ensure frame generation functions properly without introducing UI glitches.
  • Upscaling with DLSS: If you’re experiencing unusual occurrences in the top-right corner of the screen, particularly in games like “Ready or Not,” employing DLSS upscaling can mitigate these issues. By utilizing DLSS, you can enable frame generation and enjoy smoother gameplay.

Following these workarounds and making informed choices about rendering options can enhance your gaming experience and minimize UI bugs. Keep experimenting to find the best settings for each game you play.

How To Add FSR to Any Game with DLSS Only?

If you’ve been itching to enhance your gaming experience but don’t have an Nvidia graphics card to utilize DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling), fear not! 

There’s a workaround that might blow your mind. Let’s dive into how to add FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution) to any game that supports DLSS only.

How to Make It Happen

Here’s a simple guide to get you started:

  1. Configure the Game’s Settings File: If you cannot choose DLSS in-game due to not having an Nvidia GPU, fret not. You can tweak the game’s configuration file to trick it into thinking you have one. Please set it to use DLSS, save the changes, and restart the game.
  2. Enjoy DLSS-like Benefits: After restarting the game, you should now have the option to utilize DLSS in-game, even with an Intel or AMD graphics card. This tweak enables the UI to render differently, ensuring flawless frame generation.
  3. Unlock Additional Features: The beauty of this mod doesn’t end there. It enables frame generation for any graphics card and opens up the possibility of using upscaling (FSR 2 or FSR 3) in games that only support DLSS. This means you can enjoy the benefits of upscaling without needing an Nvidia GPU.

Why It Matters

This workaround is a game-changer for those who want to elevate their gaming experience without being limited by hardware constraints. Whether diving into new AAA titles or revisiting classics, having the option to enhance graphics and performance adds a whole new dimension to your gameplay.

In conclusion, by leveraging this tweak, you can unlock the full potential of your gaming experience, regardless of your GPU brand. So experiment with FSR and frame generation, and elevate your gaming to new heights!

Last Words

If you’re into modding your games, there’s something pretty crazy going on right now, and it’s called AMD FSR. Here are some final notes about it:

  • Paid Mod at the Moment: Unfortunately, AMD FSR is a paid mod right now. But once you get these files, you can use them in any game. There’s no need to check the mod information website to see if you’re figuring out how to use it for a specific game.
  • Ease of Use: You can drop these files anywhere, and they should work fine as long as you have the correct AMD FSR version. It’s a new thing, so expect more mods to come out for free with better support and compatibility.
  • Early Access Opportunity: If you want to hop on this train early and try it out, you can find the Patreon link in the description below. There is no sponsorship here, just a genuinely excellent update to the plug-in scene that improves games’ performance, especially for any graphics card.
  • Better Performance Across the Board: This update promises much better game performance, which is fantastic news for gamers. So, if you want to boost your gaming experience, AMD FSR might be worth checking out.

In conclusion, AMD FSR is an exciting development in the gaming world, offering improved performance and compatibility. Thanks for watching, and I hope you found this helpful information. Stay tuned for more updates and happy gaming!

Sahin: Sahin, a passionate Software Engineer, thrives on unraveling the intricacies of technology. With a penchant for Tech, Gaming, and IT Support, I dives into the digital realm, seeking answers to complex puzzles. My days are filled with error code, debugging, and the thrill of discovery. When things go wrong, I dive right in, figuring out what’s broken on my computer and finding clever solutions. Whether fixing code or untangling server problems, Sahin’s analytical brain thrives on challenges.
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