How to Beat Builder base of the North Challenge?

How to beat builder base of the north challenge? To easily three-star the Builder Base of the North Challenge, follow this tutorial that showcases the new Builder Base scenery. The attack strategy involves using a drop ship in the center to trigger a Tesla and damage the Mega Tesla. Place a Wizard to the left of the laboratory, turning it to Electric mode to chain to the center of Tesla.

Next, deploy a baby dragon to the top left once air-targeting defenses are down, using the Wizard to target firecrackers.

Utilize the baby dragon’s ability with minions to clear air defenses, allowing archers to take out cannons. Deploy the Battle Machine to the north alongside witches, letting its ability charge.

Wait until one Mega Tesla remains damaged, then use the Battle Machine’s ability to chain through cannons.

Activate the Night Witch’s abilities to spawn bats, distracting and taking down the Mega Tesla for a successful three-star attack on the Builder Base.

Why is it important to beat it?

It is important to beat it because it offers rewards such as the builder base scenery and the battle machine skin, which are exclusive and can only be obtained by completing the challenge. The challenge is also a fun way to test your skills and strategy in the game.

What is the builder base of the north challenge?

The Builder Base of the North Challenge is a special event in Clash of Clans, a popular strategy game. It is a showcase of the new season theme with the new skins featuring the Battle Machine and scenery for the Builder Base. 

What are strategy and the troops needed to achieve a 3-star victory?

The strategy and the troops needed to achieve a 3-star victory in the builder base of the north challenge are as follows:

  • Start in the middle: Deploy a balloon and a drop-ship in the center of the enemy base, and use the balloon’s ability to damage the mega tesla.
  • Clear the air defenses: Deploy a wizard, switch it to electric mode, and use it to destroy the inferno tower and the guard post. Deploy archers to take out the archer tower, the hidden tesla, and the air bombs on the left side of the base.
  • Deploy the minions: Use minions to finish off the remaining buildings on the right side of the base, and avoid the firecrackers and the roaster.
  • Unleash the witches and battle machine: Deploy the battle machine and two witches from the top side of the base, and use the battle machine’s ability when it is low on health.

This strategy requires the following troops:

  • 1 balloon
  • 1 drop ship
  • 1 wizard
  • 8 archers
  • 12 minions
  • 2 witches
  • 1 battle machine

What are the rewards for completing the challenge?

The rewards for completing the builder base of the north challenge are the following:

  • The builder base scenery, which is a new and exclusive background for your builder base. It features a snowy landscape with a frozen lake, a cozy cabin, and a giant snowman.
  • The battle machine skin, which is a new and exclusive skin for your battle machine. It transforms your battle machine into a fierce warrior with a horned helmet, a fur cloak, and a spiked mace.

These rewards are only available for a limited time, so don’t miss this opportunity to customize your builder base and show off your skills.

How to Beat Builder Base of the North Challenge?

Start in the middle: How to deploy the battle machine and the cannon carts in the center of the enemy base:

To start in the middle, you need to deploy the battle machine and the cannon carts in the center of the enemy base and use the battle machine’s ability to destroy the builder hall and the multi-mortar. Here are the steps to do that:

  • Deploy the battle machine near the crusher on the bottom side of the base and activate its ability as soon as it reaches the crusher.
  • Deploy four cannon carts behind the battle machine and target the builder hall and the multi-mortar with their long-range shots.
  • Use the battle machine’s ability again when it is low on health, and try to destroy the builder hall and the multi-mortar before it dies.
  • If the battle machine dies before destroying the builder hall and the multi-mortar, use the remaining cannon carts to finish them off.

This strategy will help you get a high percentage of damage and a 3-star victory in the builder base of the north challenge.

Clear the air defenses: How to use the archers to take out the archer tower, the hidden tesla, and the air bombs on the left side of the base.

To clear the air defenses, you need to use the archers to take out the archer tower, the hidden tesla, and the air bombs on the left side of the base. Here are the steps to do that:

  • Deploy two archers near the army camp on the bottom left corner of the base and use them to trigger the hidden Tesla and the air bombs.
  • Deploy four more archers behind the first two and target the hidden tesla with their long-range shots. The hidden Tesla has relatively low health, so it should go down quickly.
  • Deploy another four archers near the gold mine on the top left corner of the base and use them to destroy the archer tower. The archer tower has a longer range than cannons, but it can be overwhelmed by swarm units like archers.
  • Deploy the remaining archers to clear any other buildings on the left side of the base, such as the gold storage, the elixir storage, and the clock tower.

Deploy the minions: How to use the minions to finish off the remaining buildings on the right side of the base and avoid the firecrackers and the roaster.

To deploy the minions, you need to use them to finish off the remaining buildings on the right side of the base and avoid the firecrackers and the roaster. Here are the steps to do that:

  • Deploy six minions near the army camp on the bottom right corner of the base and use them to destroy the double cannon and the gold storage.
  • Deploy four more minions behind the first six and target the elixir storage and the clock tower. The elixir storage has high health, so it will take some time to destroy.
  • Deploy two minions near the gem mine on the top right corner of the base and use them to take out the gem mine and the barracks.
  • Deploy the remaining minions to clear any other buildings on the right side of the base, such as the crusher, the cannon, and the guard post.

This strategy will help you deploy the minions and get a high percentage of damage and a 3-star victory in the builder base of the north challenge.

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Sahin: Sahin, a passionate Software Engineer, thrives on unraveling the intricacies of technology. With a penchant for Tech, Gaming, and IT Support, I dives into the digital realm, seeking answers to complex puzzles. My days are filled with error code, debugging, and the thrill of discovery. When things go wrong, I dive right in, figuring out what’s broken on my computer and finding clever solutions. Whether fixing code or untangling server problems, Sahin’s analytical brain thrives on challenges.
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