Best Enshrouded Character Builds – Skill Tree, Gear & Stats Complete guide: Enshrouded offers a variety of character builds to cater to different playstyles and preferences.

You can customize your character with various skills, weapons, armors, and consumables to suit your preferred playstyle. Whether you want to be a powerful wizard, a sturdy warrior, a swift archer, or a mix of everything, Enshrouded has something for you.

In this guide, I will show you some of the best character builds in Enshrouded and the skills and gear you need to make them work.

I will also explain the game’s combat system basics, skill trees, and stats. By the end of this guide, you will better understand how to create your own awesome character build in Enshrouded.

Combat Basics

Before diving into the builds, let’s go over some of the basic combat mechanics in Enshrouded. Combat in Enshrouded is fast-paced and dynamic, requiring you to use your weapons and skills effectively. 

You can switch between two weapons, each with skills and abilities. You can also use consumables, such as potions, scrolls, and bombs, to enhance your performance or deal with tricky situations.

There are four types of weapons in Enshrouded: swords, axes, bows, and wands. Each weapon has advantages, disadvantages, and skill trees to unlock and upgrade. 

There are also four types of armor in Enshrouded: light, medium, heavy, and wizard. Each armor has its stats, bonuses, and different visual appearances. 

There are three main stats in Enshrouded: strength, intelligence, and spirit. Each stat affects different aspects of your character, such as damage, health, mana, and resistance. 

You can increase your stats by leveling up, equipping gear, and using consumables. You can also allocate skill points to various skill trees, each with its effects and bonuses.

 There are 12 skill trees, divided into four categories: combat, magic, survival, and utility. You can choose any skills you want, but some are more beneficial for certain builds than others.

Best Enshrouded Character Builds – Skill Tree, Stats & Gear

BuildWeapon 1Weapon 2ArmorSkill Tree 1Skill Tree 2Skill Tree 3
WizardWandStaffWizard ArmorWizardTricksterHealer
WarriorSwordShieldHeavy ArmorWarriorBarbarianGuardian
ArcherBowDaggerLight ArmorArcherAssassinRanger

Best Wizard Build

If you want to unleash the power of the elements and cast devastating spells, this is the build for you. This build uses a wand, a staff, and the wizard, trickster, and healer skill trees. 

You will have high intelligence and spirit, allowing you to deal massive magic damage and have plenty of mana. You will also have some constitution, giving you extra health and survivability. 

You will wear wizard armor, which boosts your magic and mana even further.

Enshrouded Best Wizard Stats

When crafting the “best” stats for an Enshrouded Wizard, the answer largely depends on your desired playstyle and preferred magic schools. 

Primary Stats:

  • Intelligence: The go-to stat for most Wizards, increasing spell damage by 5% per point invested. Prioritizing Intelligence is almost always recommended.
  • Spirit: Increases your mana pool, allowing you to cast more spells before needing to regenerate. It is essential for sustained spellcasting but slightly less crucial for burst-damage builds.

Secondary Stats:

  • Constitution: Boosts health and survivability, which is important for staying alive against enemies who get close.
  • Dexterity/Strength: Offer minimal direct benefit for Wizards, but can be relevant for Hybrid builds utilizing melee/ranged attacks alongside spells.
  • Endurance: This can help manage stamina, especially if you rely on dodging or positioning skills.

Stat Priority:

Focusing heavily on Intelligence is the way to go for most Wizard builds. Your secondary stat choice depends on your playstyle:

  • High-Damage Burst: Balance Intelligence with Spirit, ensuring enough mana for your key spells. Consider some Constitution for survivability if needed.
  • Sustained Caster: Invest heavily in Intelligence and Spirit for maximum mana pool and damage output.
  • Hybrid Wizard: Allocate points differently depending on your melee/ranged focus. Prioritize Dexterity/Strength for physical damage alongside Intelligence for spells.

Specific Build Influences:

  • Elemental Mage: Consider stacking specific elemental resistances into secondary stats depending on your chosen element(s).
  • Summoner: Invest some points into Constitution for survivability while summoning creatures to tank for you.

Additional Tips:

  • Equipment can further enhance your chosen stats. Prioritize gear with +Intelligence, +Spirit, and specific elemental bonuses if applicable.
  • Consider incorporating skills that can improve your mana regeneration or efficiency.
  • Remember, experimentation is key! Find a stat distribution that suits your individual preferences and playing style.


Here are the skills you will need for this build:

  • Wizard: This is the main skill tree for this build, as it gives you access to powerful spells and abilities. You will want to max out this tree, unlocking all the skills and talents. Some of the most important ones are:
    • Spell Mastery: This talent increases your spell damage by 25%, making your spells hit harder.
    • Spell Charge: This skill allows you to charge up your spells, increasing their damage and range. You can also release the charge early for a smaller effect.
    • Elemental Mastery: This talent increases your elemental damage by 25%, making your spells more effective against different enemies.
    • Eternal Spells: This skill allows you to cast spells without charges, making them unlimited. This is very useful, as it saves you mana and time.
  • Trickster: This is the secondary skill tree for this build, as it gives you access to useful skills and abilities that enhance your mobility and utility. You will want to invest some points in this tree to unlock skills and talents. Some of the most important ones are:
    • Double Jump: This skill allows you to jump twice in the air, giving you more mobility and access to high places.
    • Blink: This skill allows you to teleport a short distance, giving you more mobility and escape options.
    • Ward: This skill allows you to create a protective barrier around yourself, absorbing incoming damage and reflecting it to enemies. This is very useful, as it gives you some defence and survivability.
  • Healer: This is the tertiary skill tree for this build, giving you access to healing and supportive skills and abilities. You will want to invest a few points in this tree to unlock some skills and talents. Some of the most important ones are:
    • Heal: This skill allows you to heal yourself or an ally, restoring health and removing negative effects. This is very useful, as it gives you some sustenance and recovery.
    • Radiant Aura: This skill allows you to create an aura around yourself or an ally, increasing healing received and mana regeneration. This is very useful, as it gives you some support and efficiency.


Here are the gear you will need for this build:

  • Wand: This is the primary weapon for this build, allowing you to cast spells and deal magic damage. You will want a high intelligence, spirit, and elemental damage wand. Some of the best wands in the game are:
    • Wand of the Phoenix: This wand has high fire damage and a chance to ignite enemies, making it very effective against enemies that are weak to fire.
    • Wand of the Frost: This wand has high ice damage and a chance to freeze enemies, making it very effective against enemies weak to ice.
    • Wand of the Storm: This wand has high lightning damage and a chance to shock enemies, making it very effective against enemies weak to lightning.
  • Staff: This is the secondary weapon for this build, allowing you to cast spells and deal magic damage. You will want to use a staff with high intelligence, spirit, and elemental damage. Some of the best staff in the game are:
    • Staff of the Inferno: This staff has high fire damage and a chance to create a fireball, making it very effective against enemies that are weak to fire.
    • Staff of the Glacier: This staff has high ice damage and a chance to create an ice spike, making it very effective against enemies weak to ice.
    • Staff of the Tempest: This staff has high lightning damage and a chance to create a lightning bolt, making it very effective against enemies that are weak to lightning.
  • Wizard Armor: This is the armor for this build, as it boosts your magic and mana. You will want to use wizard armour that has high intelligence, spirit, and elemental resistance. Some of the best wizard armor in the game are:
    • Robe of the Magus: This robe has high intelligence and spirit, as well as a bonus to spell damage and mana regeneration, making it very effective for this build.
    • Hood of the Magus: This hood has high intelligence and spirit and a bonus to spell damage and mana regeneration, making it very effective for this build.
    • Gloves of the Magus: These gloves have high intelligence and spirit and a bonus to spell damage and mana regeneration, making them very effective for this build.
    • Boots of the Magus: These boots have high intelligence and spirit and a bonus to spell damage and mana regeneration, making it very effective for this build.
  • Consumables: These items can enhance your performance or deal with tricky situations. You will want to use consumables that boost your magic and mana and heal or protect you. Some of the best consumables for this build are:
    • Prayer of the Flame Scroll: This scroll allows you to cast a powerful fire spell that deals damage and ignites enemies in a large area, making it very effective against groups of enemies that are weak to fire.
    • Prayer of the Frost Scroll: This scroll allows you to cast a powerful ice spell that deals damage and freezes enemies in a large area, making it very effective against groups of enemies weak to ice.
    • Prayer of the Storm Scroll: This scroll allows you to cast a powerful lightning spell that deals damage and shocks enemies in a large area, making it very effective against groups of enemies that are weak to lightning.
    • Grilled Game: This food restores a lot of health and stamina over time, making it very useful for recovering from damage and fatigue.
    • Roasted Azure Russula: This mushroom restores a large amount of mana over time, making it very useful for recovering from casting spells and using skills.

Best Warrior Build

If you want to be a tanky and durable fighter that can withstand and dish out a lot of damage, this is the build for you. 

This build focuses on using a sword and a shield, as well as the warrior, barbarian, and guardian skill trees. You will have high strength and constitution, allowing you to deal physical damage and have a lot of health.

Enshrouded Best Warrior Build Stats

The “best” stats for an Enshrouded Warrior depend on your desired playstyle and intended role in combat. Here’s a breakdown of key stats and their impacts to help you decide:

Primary Stats:

  • Strength: Increases melee weapon damage by 5% per point, crucial for high damage output. Maxing this is common for DPS warriors.
  • Constitution: Boosts health and survivability, key for tanking or solo play. Prioritize this for tank builds or if you like to be in the thick of the action.

Secondary Stats:

  • Endurance: Improves stamina pool, affecting dodge rolls, blocking, and charged attacks. Essential for managing your defensive actions.
  • Dexterity: Offers minimal benefit for pure warriors but can be valuable for hybrid builds involving dodging or ranged attacks.
  • Intelligence: This can be helpful for specific skills like Water Aura (healing) or utility spells but is generally low priority for pure warriors.
  • Spirit: Offers minimal benefit for warriors.

Stat Priority:

DPS Warrior:

  • Max Strength, then invest in Endurance based on your dodging and stamina management comfort. Some points in the Constitution can be helpful for survivability in harder content.

Tank Warrior:

  • Max Constitution, followed by a balance of Strength for damage and Endurance for stamina management.

Hybrid Warrior:

  • Allocate points based on your chosen hybrid style. Lean towards Strength for melee/tank hybrid, Dexterity for ranged/dodge hybrid, and consider some Intelligence for specific utility spells.


Here are the skills you will need for this build:

  • Warrior: This is the main skill tree for this build, as it gives you access to powerful skills and abilities that enhance your melee combat. You will want to max out this tree, unlocking all the skills and talents. Some of the most important ones are:
    • Sword Mastery: This talent increases your sword damage by 25%, making your sword attacks hit harder.
    • Shield Mastery: This talent increases your shield defense by 25%, making your shield block more damage.
    • Slash: This skill allows you to swing your sword in a wide arc, hitting multiple enemies and causing bleeding, making it very effective against groups of enemies.
    • Shield Bash: This skill allows you to bash your shield into an enemy, stunning them and dealing damage, making it very effective against single targets.
  • Barbarian: This is the secondary skill tree for this build, as it gives you access to useful skills and abilities that enhance your strength and rage. You will want to invest some points in this tree, unlocking some of the skills and talents. Some of the most important ones are:
    • Strength: This skill increases your strength by 10%, making your physical damage and health higher.
    • Rage: This skill increases your rage by 10%, making your skills and abilities more powerful and cheaper.
    • Berserk: This skill allows you to enter a state of frenzy, increasing your damage, speed, and resistance, but reducing your defense and control, making it very effective when you need to deal a lot of damage quickly.
    • Bloodlust: This skill allows you to heal yourself for a percentage of the damage you deal, making it very useful for sustaining yourself in combat.
  • Guardian: This is the tertiary skill tree for this build, giving you access to defensive and supportive skills and abilities. You should invest a few points in this tree to unlock some skills and talents. Some of the most important ones are:
    • Constitution: This skill increases your constitution by 10%, increasing your health and stamina.
    • Armor: This skill increases your armor by 10%, increasing your physical defence.
    • Taunt: This skill allows you to draw the attention of enemies, making them attack you instead of your allies, making it very useful for protecting your team.
    • Fortify: This skill allows you to increase your defence and resistance quickly, making it very useful for surviving tough situations.


Here are the gear you will need for this build:

  • Sword: This is the primary weapon for this build, as it allows you to deal physical damage and use sword skills. You will want to use a sword with high strength, damage, and critical chance. Some of the best swords in the game are:
    • Sword of the Lion: This sword has high damage and critical chance and a bonus to slash damage and bleeding, making it very effective for this build.
    • Sword of the Dragon: This sword has high damage and critical chance and a bonus to fire damage and burning, making it very effective against enemies that are weak to fire.
    • Sword of the Eagle: This sword has high damage and critical chance and a bonus to speed and agility, making it very effective for this build.
  • Shield: This is the secondary weapon for this build, allowing you to block damage and use shield skills. You will want to use a shield with high defense, block chance, and durability. Some of the best shields in the game are:
    • Shield of the Bear: This shield has high defense, block chance, and a bonus to health and stamina, making it very effective for this build.
    • Shield of the Wolf: This shield has high defense, block chance, and a bonus to damage and rage, making it very effective for this build.
    • Shield of the Owl: This shield has high defense and block chance and a bonus to intelligence and mana, making it very effective for this build.
  • Heavy Armor: This is the armor for this build, as it boosts your defense and durability. You will want to use heavy armor with high strength, constitution, and armor. Some of the best heavy armor in the game are:
    • Armor of the Titan: This armor has high strength and constitution and a bonus to physical damage and health, making it very effective for this build.
    • Helmet of the Titan: This helmet has high strength and constitution and a bonus to physical damage and health, making it very effective for this build.
    • Gauntlets of the Titan: These gauntlets have high strength and constitution and a bonus to physical damage and health, making them very effective for this build.
    • Boots of the Titan: These boots have high strength and constitution and are a bonus to physical damage and health, making them very effective for this build.
  • Consumables: These items can enhance your performance or deal with tricky situations. You will want to use consumables that boost your defence and health and heal or protect you. Some of the best consumables for this build are:
    • Potion of the Giant: This potion increases your strength and constitution by 50% quickly, making you stronger and tougher.
    • Potion of the Warrior: This potion instantly restores a lot of health and stamina, preparing you for more combat.
    • Potion of the Guardian: This potion quickly increases your defence and resistance by 50%, making you harder to damage.
  • Bread: This food restores a small amount of health and stamina over time, making it useful for recovering from minor damage and fatigue.

Best Archer Build

If you want to be a swift and agile shooter that can hit enemies from a distance and avoid damage, this is the build for you. This build focuses on using a bow, a dagger, and the archer, assassin, and ranger skill trees. 

You will have high agility and dexterity, allowing you to deal with ranged damage and have a lot of speed. You will also have some intelligence, giving you extra mana and magic.

Enshrouded Best Archer Stats

Primary Stats:

  • Dexterity: Your main damage amplifier. Increases ranged damage by 5% per point invested.
  • Endurance: Improves stamina pool, crucial for aiming, dodging, and blocking. It affects how long you can hold your breath for charged shots.

Secondary Stats:

  • Constitution: Boosts health and survivability. It is useful if you plan on getting up close and personal with enemies.
  • Strength: Offers minimal benefit for archers but can be useful for hybrid builds incorporating melee attacks.
  • Intelligence: This can be helpful for specific skills like Water Aura, which provides passive healing.
  • Spirit: Offers minimal benefit for archers.

Stat Priority:

Generally, archers’ most common stat distribution prioritizes Dexterity as the primary stat, followed by Endurance for stamina management. 

Depending on your build, the remaining points can be invested in Constitution for survivability or Intelligence for specific skills.

Here are some popular Enshrouded Archer builds and their stat priorities:

  • Marksman: Max Dexterity, then Endurance.
  • Trapper: Balance Dexterity and Endurance, with some points into Constitution.
  • Assassin: Max Dexterity, then Endurance and some points into Intelligence for Water Aura.

Remember, these are just suggestions. Feel free to experiment and find a stat distribution that works best for your playstyle and preferred skills!


Here are the skills you will need for this build:

  • Archer: This is the main skill tree for this build, as it gives you access to powerful skills and abilities that enhance your ranged combat. You will want to max out this tree, unlocking all the skills and talents. Some of the most important ones are:
    • Bow Mastery: This talent increases your bow damage by 25%, making your bow attacks hit harder.
    • Arrow Mastery: This talent increases your arrow types by 25%, giving you more options and effects for your arrows.
    • Multi-Shot: This skill allows you to shoot multiple arrows at once, hitting multiple enemies and dealing damage, making it very effective against groups of enemies.
    • Snipe: This skill allows you to shoot a single arrow with high accuracy and damage, hitting a single enemy and causing critical damage, making it very effective against single targets.
  • Assassin: This is the secondary skill tree for this build, as it gives you access to useful skills and abilities that enhance your stealth and critical. You should invest some points in this tree to unlock skills and talents. Some of the most important ones are:
    • Agility: This skill increases your agility by 10%, increasing your speed and evasion.
    • Dexterity: This skill increases your dexterity by 10%, increasing your accuracy and critical chance.
    • Stealth: This skill allows you to become invisible briefly, making you harder to detect and allowing you to sneak up on enemies or escape from danger.
    • Backstab: This skill allows you to stab an enemy from behind with your dagger, dealing massive damage and causing bleeding, making it very effective against unsuspecting enemies.
  • Ranger: This is the tertiary skill tree for this build, giving you access to survival and supportive skills and abilities. You should invest a few points in this tree to unlock some skills and talents. Some of the most important ones are:
    • Intelligence: This skill increases your intelligence by 10%, increasing your mana and magic.
    • Perception: This skill increases your perception by 10%, increasing your detection and awareness.
    • Trap: This skill allows you to set a trap on the ground, which will trigger when an enemy steps on it, dealing damage and causing a random effect, such as stun, poison, or fire, making it very useful for controlling the battlefield.
    • Healing Arrow: This skill allows you to shoot an arrow that heals yourself or an ally, restoring health and removing negative effects, making it very useful for supporting your team.


Here are the gear you will need for this build:

  • Bow: This is the primary weapon for this build, as it allows you to deal with ranged damage and use bow skills. You will want to use a bow with high agility, dexterity, and damage. Some of the best bows in the game are:
    • Bow of the Hawk: This bow has high damage, critical chance, and a bonus to speed and agility, making it very effective for this build.
    • Bow of the Snake: This bow has high damage and critical chance and a bonus to poison damage and venom, making it very effective against enemies that are weak to poison.
    • Bow of the Fox: This bow has high damage and critical chance and is a bonus to stealth and perception, making it very effective for this build.
  • Dagger: This is the secondary weapon for this build, allowing you to deal melee damage and use dagger skills. You will want to use a dagger with high agility, dexterity, and damage. Some of the best daggers in the game are:
    • Dagger of the Panther: This dagger has high damage, critical chance, and a bonus to speed and agility, making it very effective for this build.
    • Dagger of the Scorpion: This dagger has high damage and critical chance and a bonus to poison damage and venom, making it very effective against enemies that are weak to poison.
    • Dagger of the Raven: This dagger has high damage and critical chance and is a bonus to stealth and perception, making it very effective for this build.
  • Light Armor: This is the armor for this build, as it boosts your speed and evasion. You will want to use light armour that has high agility, dexterity, and elemental resistance. Some of the best light armor in the game are:
    • Armor of the Wind: This armor has high agility, dexterity, and a bonus to speed and evasion, making it very effective for this build.
    • Helmet of the Wind: This helmet has high agility, dexterity, and a bonus to speed and evasion, making it very effective for this build.
    • Gloves of the Wind: These gloves have high agility, dexterity, and a bonus to speed and evasion, making them very effective for this build.
    • Boots of the Wind: These boots have high agility, dexterity, and a bonus to speed and evasion, making them very effective for this build.
  • Consumables: These items can enhance your performance or deal with tricky situations. You will want to use consumables that boost your speed and damage and heal or protect you. Some of the best consumables for this build are:
    • Potion of the Swift: This potion increases your agility and dexterity by 50% for a short time, making you faster and more accurate.
    • Potion of the Hunter: This potion quickly increases your damage and critical chance by 50%, making you more deadly.
    • Potion of the Invisible: This potion makes you invisible for a short time, making you harder to detect and allowing you to sneak up on enemies or escape danger.
    • Apple: This food restores a small amount of health and mana over time, making it useful for recovering from minor damage and fatigue.

Enshrouded Best Early Game Builds:

  • Fighter: Focuses on Strength, Constitution, and melee-oriented perks for close-quarters combat. Consider the Warrior branch of the skill tree and invest in perks that boost cutting, piercing, and Blurring damage.
  • Mage: Leverages magical weapons like staves and wands for ranged damage. Prioritize perks that increase magic weapon damage, reduce spell charge time, and enhance elemental attacks.

Wands and Staff

Finally, we have the mage build, utilizing wands and staffs, which I found to be the most potent and versatile option.

  • Wands offer powerful ranged attacks without consuming ammo.
  • Investing in wand-specific talents greatly boosts damage output.
  • Staffs add an extra layer of power but require careful management of mana resources.

Advanced Builds:

  • Ranger: Master of ranged combat with bows and crossbows. Invest in perks that improve accuracy, critical hit chance, and damage with specific arrow types like Moldy Shots.
  • Battlemage: Combines melee and magic for a balanced approach. Utilize self-healing and damage reduction perks alongside weapon and spellcasting skills.
  • Tank: Focuses on survivability and crowd control, drawing enemy attention and mitigating damage. Prioritize heavy armor, defensive perks, and skills that taunt enemies and generate threats.

Remember, these are just a starting point. Experiment with different skills, perks, and equipment combinations to find a build that suits your playstyle.


These are some of the best character builds in Enshrouded and the skills and gear you need to make them work. Of course, these are not the only possible builds, and you can always experiment and customize your build according to your preference and playstyle. 

Enshrouded is a game that rewards creativity and exploration, so feel free to try different combinations and see what works best for you.


Sahin, a passionate Software Engineer, thrives on unraveling the intricacies of technology. With a penchant for Tech, Gaming, and IT Support, I dives into the digital realm, seeking answers to complex puzzles. My days are filled with error code, debugging, and the thrill of discovery. When things go wrong, I dive right in, figuring out what’s broken on my computer and finding clever solutions. Whether fixing code or untangling server problems, Sahin’s analytical brain thrives on challenges.

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